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Marina Vista Elementary School

We Believe, Achieve, and Succeed!

Marina Vista Elementary School

We Believe, Achieve, and Succeed!
Satisfactory school progress is dependent upon regular school attendance. Daily attendance is critical to your child's success in school. Please have your child here each and every day on time so we can partner with you to build a successful school experience for you and your child.
Clearing an absence:
In the event that your child is absent, you must call in or email the office to excuse their absence. If it is a medical or dental appointment, please bring a note from the doctor/dentist's office. When you call or email, we need to know your child's first and last name, the child's room number and the reason for the absence. If you have a planned absence, please call or email us ahead of time so that we can note that your child will be out.
Parents are encouraged to call the school where you can also leave a voicemail 24 hours a day, or e-mail Mariel Duran on the day of an absence to report it. If the absence has not been previously cleared by phone or email, the student must have a written note signed by the parent.
An excused absence is:
  • Illness or injury of the student, or serious illness which necessitates the absence of the student
  • Medical or dental appointment; please bring note from doctor
  • Attendance at the funeral of an immediate family member
  • Appearance in court
  • Observance of holiday or ceremony of his/her religion
Appointments during the school day:
  • Send a note to your child's teacher the day of the appointment, advising what time your student will be called for.
  • Come into the office and sign your student out. The office staff will then call the classroom to ask for the student.
  • Upon the student's return, the parent must come into the office and sign the student back into school.
Students should be on the black top at 7:50 a.m. to be present for the pledge and school announcements. Class starts at 8:00 a.m. If a student arrives after 8:00 a.m., he/she will be marked tardy by their classroom teacher. If a student arrives after 8:30 a.m. they must come to the office for a tardy pass prior to going to class.


Adriana Siu
School Clerk
24 hour Attendance line: (925) 473-2491
Linea en Español:
(925)473-2490 ext. 4899