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Marina Vista Elementary School

We Believe, Achieve, and Succeed!

Marina Vista Elementary School

We Believe, Achieve, and Succeed!

What is the School Site Council (SSC)?

Did you know that the monthly School Site Council meetings are open to all parents and can be a great way to have your suggestions or concerns heard by your school community? Though the SSC may not respond at the time of the meeting, it will be noted and often can lead to further discussion at a later date.

Who makes it up?

The SSC is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students (at the high school level) that work with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the SSC are generally elected by their peers.

How can I get involved?

If you are interested and want to have a say in school improvement and/or budget planning, you may enjoy serving on your school’s site council. To find out more information please attend the next meeting or talk to the school Principal and or Parent and Family Liaison.
school site council


Felisha Bridges, Principal