Parent Family Liaison
Meet Marina Vista's Parent Family Liaison (pfl)
Meet Marina Vista's Parent Family Liaison (pfl)
Meet Marina Vista's Parent Family Liaison (pfl)
Dear Marina Vista Elementary Families.
I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Maribel Villanueva and I am the Parent Family Liaison at Marina Vista Elementary School.
I'm a parent of four children, all of whom attended our Pittsburg School District. My daughters are currently attending UC Davis University, they are 26 and 23 years old. My son is 20 years old and he's currently attending LMC, my youngest son is 11 years old and just graduated from Marina Vista Elementary School.
Until recently I worked as a Noon Duty Supervisor here at Marina Vista, and I have the pleasure of meeting many of our parents.
My purpose at Marina Vista School is to ensure that parents, guardians and students have access to workshops, resources and information in our community. And to facilitate parent-school communication.
I'm looking forward to getting to know and meeting each and every parent in our school.
Maribel Villanueva
Parent Family Liaison
(925) 473-2484 Ext. 4884

What is a Parent Liaison?
A Parent Liaison is a person who works to bridge the communication between school and home by helping parents get information, help and support they need to ensure their student’s academic and social success in school.
How can the Parent Liaison help me?
The Parent Liaison will listen to your concerns and then work with you to make sure that your situation, question or point of view is expressed and understood.
What kind of assistance can the Parent Liaison provide?
-Provide you with a personal tour of the school and explain the programs and resources available to you and your scholar.
-Discuss some of the ways you can be more involved with school and your child's education.
- Answer questions you may have about school rules and regulations.
-Advise parents of special events.
-Provide families with educational workshops and training sessions.
-Working closely with the school staff to help you arrange meetings between you and your scholar’s teacher or the school administration so important information about your child is shared and understood.
-Accompany you to a parent conference or other important meetings at the school to help clarify information about your child or home situation.
-Help you find and get help or services for your scholar or your family.
Examples Include: Medical/Dental programs, School Supplies, Afterschool Programs, Housing, Food, Clothing, etc.